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  • What is it? How would you describe it? How is it described?

In my opinion, I would like to describe it as an artwork which could have an interaction with/response to human action, feeling even thinking.

  • How is it interactive?

As my understanding, Interactive Media is a project, to some extent I would like to call it 'Art Work' includes Three-stage interaction.

  1. The base interactive owns the simplest output and input, which happens on the basic information interaction.

  2. The higher stage of it is about a response to people's feeling and emotion. It requires the creator need to think about how to communicate with people in the project.

  3. The 3rd but the final stage is about to express the thinking and value of the creator through a interactive way.

  • Why is it interactive?

An interactive way to present a project is more closed to a natural way we communicate and interact with people in daily life. As a natural human, we own ability of interaction through information exchange. Most of us have eager to express own information and expect a response. To some extent, an interactive could simulate a situation people communicating, which is better to express the creator's thinking and enhance the audience understanding of the project.

On the other hand, interactive media bring huge information to participants, which influences people's concentration on the project. Even, it increases the difficulty of understanding to someone unfamiliar with technologies.

  • Are any of them more interactive than others? If so in what ways?

I think it's 'Phone Story'. As a game, there are more natural and rich methods for interacting with participants, which it's important. At the same time, the game in common is to 'play' and 'interactive' with. People could easier to enter the project and understand the information creators want to express.

  • What do they all have in common?

They all have a purpose to express the creators' thinking and value. As an artificial project, interactive media must include people's thinking, which waiting for someone to explore it, analysis it and understand it.

'The Cabinet of Curiousness is an antique wooden card catalogue with 20 drawers. Functioning as an interactive piece, the opening of each drawer activates a voice or piece of music from within the cabinet.'

When I first watch the interactive video, I found my mind was opened as the combination of music, box and human feeling. It like what I said when I watch the project 'Raging Roger', how to connect modern technology to human sense and emotion.

It used many cabinets to build an unknown and explorable experience. People could explore what this project like and think as well. When I found if the multi boxes were opened, the sound would go in chaos. It really impressed me that the creators gave their value of how to live in the information generation like concentred on a single thing.

This project combined the creative idea with a suitable emotion and a value output, which other creators like me could learn a lot from it.


'Raging Roger' presents a simple but funny project, detect people then spray water, which gave me a novel experience. It suddenly reminds me that art is also for happiness, for smiling. Through interactive media, they bring us back to childhood when we first watch the vivid roger in comic.

In a quite and common scenery, they add a trick for fun, which I could feel relaxed and my mind is not that tight on thinking the heavy work.

The nonsense gave me a unique feeling about modern technology, but a question for it, that how we connect the human emotion to the cold, hard object. And how to back to the human selves feeling when the society go further.

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