Dark ambient (referred to as ambient industrial especially in the 1980s) is a genre of post-industrial music that features an ominous, dark droning and often gloomy, monumental or catacombal atmosphere, partially with discordant overtones. It shows similarities toward ambient music, a genre that has been cited as a main influence by many dark ambient artists, both conceptually and compositionally. Although mostly electronically generated, dark ambient also includes the sampling of hand-played instruments and semi-acoustic recording procedures, and is strongly related to ritual industrial music.
When I do more sound exploration of the contrast type, dark ambient was advised by Chris. When I searched for the sound, the unique noise sound form has impressed me. Though what I expression is not that strong, the abstract noise from real life has a different power in emotional expression. Meanwhile, this form has some specific sound effect which could be used for sound design because I gradually realized that the conflict is a quiet process integrated into quarantine life.