With the serious virus continuously spreading, people including me have been stick at home for health safety, but honestly, the home experience is not felt good in a long time quarantine. A less social activity and fewer chances to communicate with people became a discomfort point for me, for my mental health, which it is a lonely experience for single, for a single international student, for anyone need some social life.
In this case, the alienation came stronger than any time else, when the online entertainment content has lost the attractive for me and the repeat daily life gradually flat the indoor life.
At the moment, I found that the comparison experience I record in the exhibition before is a particular content for the current isolation time to most people. It is an irony but also a norm, that someone tracking for quiet in usual, however, the noise is a part of what we need some time.

Suddenly, “BALANCE” came out of my mind, as an element of the traditional Chinese Culture, 'Tai chi', which is an intelligence of the ancients. The aspects of an object separately understood as a construction of 'Yin' and 'Yang', it was an old philosophy in deconstructing the components of the world.
I realized that it could be used in the life we suffered today, the point between the quiet and noise is a natural sector of daily life, of the society. And then, I had a draft of the idea, to made a moving image with the tricky sound design to express the intense emotion of alone.