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For a higher speed work on our project, we choose a visual coding tool, Mind+, to support our work. Though all codes are typed by myself, mind+ gives us extremely good support on various libraries of different modules, which saved our time on searching the correct codes of modules in a mess.

Moreover, mind+ also helps me on learning the different code via a visual language instead of an abstract word description.

And I need to thanks all developers around the world. They give me a lot of support on coding on the project.

The full codes are presented below. And I add as more as possible marks on codes for support more people using it for their projects.

/*! * MindPlus * nano * */ #include <DFRobot_PlayerMini.h> #include <DFRobot_LedControl.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #include <DFRobot_DS18B20.h> // Define LedPins #define greenLED 6 #define yellowLED 7 #define redLED 8 // Common Data const uint8_t maxBitmap[][8] = { {B01111111,B01111111,B01100011,B01111111,B01111111,B01100000,B01100000,B01100000}, {B01100000,B01100000,B01100000,B01100000,B01100000,B01100000,B01111110,B01111110}, {B01111110,B01111110,B00001100,B00001000,B00011000,B00110000,B01111110,B01111110}, {B00011100,B00011100,B00011100,B00001000,B00111011,B00001011,B01111111,B01000001}, {B00000000,B00110000,B01111001,B11111011,B10010011,B11000001,B01100011,B00110110}, {B00100000,B01000000,B10101000,B00010001,B00100110,B00001100,B00001010,B00011001}, {B00000000,B00011000,B01011010,B01011010,B01011010,B00111100,B01100110,B11000011}, {B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000} }; // Create Objects DFRobot_LedControl max7219; SoftwareSerial softSerialmp3(10, 11); DFRobot_PlayerMini mp3; DFRobot_DS18B20 ds18b20; int Button = 2; // Main Program void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); mp3.begin(&softSerialmp3); max7219.begin(3, 5, 4);[0]); pinMode(Button, INPUT); ds18b20.begin(12); pinMode(greenLED, OUTPUT); pinMode(yellowLED, OUTPUT); pinMode(redLED, OUTPUT); } void loop() { Serial.print(" degrees C - "); Serial.println(ds18b20.getTempC()); Serial.print(" ButtonStatue - "); Serial.println(digitalRead(Button)); if (digitalRead(Button)==LOW) { delay(10);[7]); Serial.print(" Statue - "); Serial.println("ALL OFF"); } else if (digitalRead(Button)==HIGH) { delay(10); if ( ds18b20.getTempC() >= 32 ) { //temperatureDetect-R digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW); digitalWrite(yellowLED, LOW); digitalWrite(redLED, HIGH); Serial.print(" Statue - "); Serial.println("WARM"); Serial.print(" redLED - "); Serial.println("ON"); for (int index = 0; index < 1; index++) { //music play; } for (int index = 0; index < 3; index++) { //led animation[0]); delay(500);[1]); delay(500);[2]); delay(500);[3]); delay(500);[4]); delay(500);[5]); delay(500);[6]); delay(500); } delay(1000); digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW); digitalWrite(yellowLED, LOW); digitalWrite(redLED, LOW); Serial.print(" redLED - "); Serial.println("OFF");[7]); mp3.pause(); while (!(32>ds18b20.getTempC())) {} }//redLED else if ( 32 > ds18b20.getTempC() && ds18b20.getTempC()>=30) { //temperatureDetect-Y digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW); digitalWrite(yellowLED, HIGH); digitalWrite(redLED, LOW); Serial.print(" Statue - "); Serial.println("Confort"); Serial.print(" yellowLED - "); Serial.println("ON"); for (int index = 0; index < 1; index++) { //music play; } for (int index = 0; index < 3; index++) { //led animation[0]); delay(500);[1]); delay(500);[2]); delay(500);[3]); delay(500);[4]); delay(500);[5]); delay(500);[6]); delay(500); } delay(1000); digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW); digitalWrite(yellowLED, LOW); digitalWrite(redLED, LOW); Serial.print(" yellowLED - "); Serial.println("OFF");[7]); mp3.pause(); while (!((ds18b20.getTempC()>=32) || (30>ds18b20.getTempC()))) {} }//yellowLED else { //temperatureDetect-G digitalWrite(greenLED, HIGH); digitalWrite(yellowLED, LOW); digitalWrite(redLED, LOW); Serial.print(" Statue - "); Serial.println("Cold"); Serial.print(" redLED - "); Serial.println("ON"); for (int index = 0; index < 1; index++) { //music play; } for (int index = 0; index < 3; index++) { //led animation[0]); delay(500);[1]); delay(500);[2]); delay(500);[3]); delay(500);[4]); delay(500);[5]); delay(500);[6]); delay(500); } delay(1000); digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW); digitalWrite(yellowLED, LOW); digitalWrite(redLED, LOW); Serial.print(" greenLED - "); Serial.println("OFF");[7]); mp3.pause(); while (!(ds18b20.getTempC()>=30)) {} }//greenLED }//PressDown delay(500); }//WholeLoop

We have tried several plans for our first idea of a play on a cup, however, ti too hard to construct all components to a single panel, which required a complex and danger soldering skill. We tried to weld pins on an 8x8 led panel, which succeeded but too difficult for us who have never tried to welding all components to a panel.

Then we changed our mind on the presentation of our idea. Our CORE-IDEA is about using the transformation of water's or other liquid's temperature to inactive with people with some personality ways. As a RESULT, our mind is bloom. We'd not stay at the limitation of CUP anymore, which brings our idea to a wider scope.

We decide to do a box which could detect a temperature of cups people have, speak some sentences when a specific degree, which a box you can play with, have fun with and even tease it.

Soon, we made the new shape of our project. A BOX, which inherits all the things we think before, develops more possibilities and functions for us. A speaker, a led panel, some LEDs for data display and an mp3 player are all set on our project. We could use it for a lot.

We plan to place any cup on our box, then it could have a response to the temperature of the internal drinks, which could be a good interaction with people. A vivid, personality characteristic of drinks, which presented in sound, could be a shining point when people play with it.

In recent week, we have contacted some merchants for 3D printing and quate for the suitable materials.

There are several materials such as H-PLA, PETG or some specific ABS material could be used in our project, which could be bought online, fortunately.

Moreover, some components we ordered delivered and the remained will arrive in the next few days. Especially, we found that Arduino nano, a much more small board, has a similar construction with Arduino UNO, which the code is universal.

Meanwhile, we also have a more clear timetable. On about April 23rd, Yixuan and I are going to meet in Zhengzhou for working on our project until May 7th if the policy not changed and time worked according to plan.

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