At the point of CoronaVirus, using online communication software, we continually work on our project further. A chain of our project becomes clear and usable. We have found out the smallest and most suitable Arduino compatible board for supporting our 'Time Cup'. Since it is a cup basically, we do need to consider the construction and setting of the board, capacity and shape. We have bought three types of Arduino board for testing on the model and in case any accidents. Meanwhile, we also purchased a kit of a standard Arduino board for any components we may need. Notably, a repeated test work will happen on our project.

For avoiding unexpected situations, we also made several backup plans for our project. Two more 3D modules we built on the Rhino 6. We explored more possibility of the 'Time Cup' while we have been thinking about the elements of our project.

A series of various 'personalities' of 'Time Cup' discussed before may be the right choice for the final presentation. Lower dangerous and more exciting part may be showed on the 'Time Cup' in such a plan.

Finally, we determined a timetable together. We roughly plan the time and the things we need to do of our project to complete it step by step. We still need more time on the project because the Virus brings a significant challenge to us who isolated for 14 days more according to government policy and rules.